How T-Shirts are Helping Restaurants and Their Employees During COVID-19

  • Apr 1, 2020

By Morgan Hull

There’s no doubt that the restaurant industry is taking a huge financial hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many locally owned, independent restaurants are small businesses that do not offer benefits such as paid sick leave to workers, so restaurant owners have taken the initiative to start selling t-shirts, hats, and other merchandise to help raise money for restaurant employees affected by the coronavirus.  Many of the shirts can be purchased at a reasonable price around $20-$25 per shirt, most including shipping and handling. 

Below are some articles related to the topic:


As a business in the promotional products industry, we really feel the strength and love of community coming from these local restaurants using t-shirts and other merchandise to support their own small businesses and their employees.  We know firsthand the positive impact using these types of promotional products have on the success of a business.  We send our best wishes as they continue fight through the economic hardships of this pandemic. 


This is a trending topic, so if anyone has any other articles, please share with us!  We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe & healthy!


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  • Category: Branding, Promotional Products
  • Tags: COVID-19, Promotional Products, Branding, Community, Promotional Branding, Branding, Local Business, Small Business, Strength